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关门what shut the door?

press the red X button :)

Thank you, but I tried it and it didn't work谢谢,不过我试过了,没用

May I ask if a Chinese version can be produced? And why can monsters still kill security guards after closing the door

1: sorry I cannot make other languages, and 2: its only killing you because somethings wrong (like the logo, a number, or wrong name)

thank you

I died when I killed 2 impostors

hmmm, I think its a bit broken, I gotta fix that


oh sorry im too busy to make one like that :')

you just pagage the file for MAcOS electon its easy

yeah I know but i'm saying I don't have time for that rn, I have exams, I have to study

oh sorry ok

Isn't That's Not My Neighbor already 2D?

mines MORE 2D lol

Noice 😎

lol yup 😎