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ayyy its done!

yup! cant wait to see you try it :)



hey at least freddy doesn't look like a fever dream anymore XD

Lmao thanks XD


its gonna be good tho, gonna take a very very long time to make tho


Wanna get Early Footage sometime? :)

make a tutorial showing how to make a auto savin system please

Well, maybe sometime in the future, just not soon


I might make this soon as I don't have much ideas on what to make for youtube, I have games coming with maybe trailers but they don't come out fast enough

nice game yo

stand back sabotage watch them fall

yeah lol

bug report: when you get to the part where you need to distract chica, i tried to crouch by her but she caught me 2 times

you don't crouch, your supposed to distract her then just run for it

oh ok, i thought i was doing it wrong thanks

i love this game

could you please add the ability to change controls from arrow keys to wasd?

The game is fun 


how you crouch?

sorry you gotta hold C XD